CCRSTV 1-18-2023 SA RT Henson, Swier

1 year ago

Melissa Henson is the Parents Television and Media Council’s Program Director, she directs the organization’s educational programs, research, and advocacy for a safe media environment for children and families. The PTC is a non-partisan education organization advocating responsible entertainment. Melissa is a noted expert on entertainment industry trends and the impact of entertainment media on children and American culture at large. TOPIC: On-screen child exploitation continues apace, even as attitudes toward it sour 

Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Valor and Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr Rich now publishes the the " report". A daily review of news, issues and commentary!  TOPICS: Understanding Why Banning Words is Worse than Burning Books; Democrats Have Fully Morphed Into Orwell’s English Socialist [INGSOC] Party; Our Top Picks to Replace Elon as CEO of Twitter; President Donald J. Trump is, without question, a Philosemite!; The Hexagon Memorial Dedicated to the 58,721 American Servicemen and Women Who Died Defending South Vietnam; As He Died To Make Men Holy Let Us Die To Keep Men Free

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