What Does the The Future of The Democratic & Republican Parties Look Like

2 years ago

What will the future of the two parties look like? Joe Biden is 80 and Trump is no spring chicken either. Who will represent the Republicans and the Democrats in the future and what will their bases look like as well.

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Ralph Nas
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So I mean just getting back to that sort of dichotomy that you made between like they can't come up with a national issue in midterms that is moving the type of Voters they need to move. and that is you know that's an issue in in-house races. Because by all accounts I mean it's one thing to say you got Herschel Walker at the top of the ticket but it's clear that there's a certain group of people who are happy to split tickets when necessary. Yeah. we should have seen more pickups by the Republicans in the house. And in fact, the places where they did pick up was in you know places like in New York where there was I think it feels like they couldn't find enough of a distinction between the two candidates. And you get just the sort of secular enthusiasm from the party that is out of power. Yeah but you're staying in in the presidential elections because of the nature of the Electoral College you got a place like Michigan or Pennsylvania or maybe I don't know Wisconsin where or maybe Nevada, where there's a certain cohort of white working class type of people that are you know, have an outsized influence on the outcome of the election and that changes things a little bit. Yeah, I think it does mean so I mean a perfect example is a state like California's point right in the presidential election California is off the table. It's a winner take all race. There's no real competitive thing when it comes to those kinds of state rights contests. But you do have house districts within the state of California where you know you have Republicans and Democrats actually competing. And so what it takes to win a midterm race is to go to a state like California, find those districts, and then sort of appeal to this kind of middle-of-the-road voters that don't really matter in the aggregate with as far as the Electoral College is concerned. States that do matter with the Electoral College are states where you have this kind of overall even partisan split. Or like roughly even partisan split work goes one way or the other. Those end up being the swing States. And for the last I guess decade or now that's increasingly been this Rust Belt states where you know they might have been in the tank for Democrats 20-30 years ago based on a really strong labor movement and labor organizing. And these industrial sectors had a lot of Labor activity in them. All that's kind of collapsed over decades and decades and decades and so now you have these white one-class voters who are more open to Republican politics you're being pulled to the right for all sorts of reasons.

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