Apollyon Elon (“most high”) Musk is Satan!!

2 years ago

(Among the 11 total individuals in Revelation)

Musk, scent of the smoke of the pit and 9/11/01 ground zero of the pit called Abbadon, Musk and the fiery feathered serpent and Amaru means, “serpent” Amaruca and South- Amaruca much serpent worship practices for thousands of years even before the “natives of America” came here from Europe and Asia. Musk means the smoke that rose to high Heaven and Apollo II fake moon landing but fooled most of the world and even today in 2023. Lord help us to explain the creation because truth is of most importance to our nature and existences.

Elon also means ‘Oak Tree’. A disguised name meaning. Isaiah 14 says Lucifer was “cut down”

Apollyon means Destroyer or Terminator

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