My Girlfriend Doesn't Want Anything Serious

1 year ago

It can be a difficult situation to face when you want something more serious or committed when it comes to your romantic relationship but your girlfriend does not; she just wants to have some fun. What many don't understand is that pushing a woman for a relationship actually lowers the chance of that happening.

In this Coaching Video a viewer sends me an email after he broke-up with his girlfriend due to some personal issues he was experiencing, but only a week later realized he made a mistake. When he tried to reconcile with her, & get his LTR (long term relationship) back, she informed him that she doesn't want anything serious with him, & just wants to have some fun & date around. He was essentially downgraded. I coach him on how to get his ex back.
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I'm Erik Peterson, a men's relationship & dating coach, and at Skill of Attraction I provide dating tips & relationship advice, mainly for men, to help facilitate growing & maintaining attraction in their romantic relationships to where it's fun, loving & relatively effortless.

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