Daily Chess play - 1328 - Victory is sweet - My best rating yet

2 years ago

First game, Traded Queens early on. After a series of trades I didn't see I can take the Rook on b3 and fortunately his eyes were on his pieces and not his King. Managed to checkmate at a8.

Second game, Forked his Rook and up 3 pawns early on. He wanted to trade Queens. He kept charging his King up which gave me a lot of opportunites to pin his Bishop. I blunders his Rook and then resigns.

Third game, Even in pieces and structure. Was forced a Queen trade, I guess he felt trapped. My pawns were in a much better developed I think. He pushes out his King's pawns which I thought was wrong and my Bishop on f3 was untouchable after that. He Blunders his Bishop soon after and he won't trade Rooks so I just kept taking pieces. I missed Rook to d1 to force a trade so it let the game drag on longer. I made a mistake by blocking my Rook protection on the pawn. He managed to get a Queen but I still had enough advantage to promote my own Queen and win the game.

Overall, I am glad I won of course but I still have much to improve on. Making so many errors in end game. I was just lucky enough to recover. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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