2023_01_22_AM_Repent .. then BELIEVE!

2 years ago

Pastor Mike preaches Psalm 139 and 1 Corinthians 11:20-27 to show the progression of faith from the mind to the heart. God's love and faithfulness draw us to him, but unless we embrace his love and cherish it in our heart before receiving the Communion elements , we can wind up guilty of Christ's blood and sacrifice - as Paul warns in 1 Corinthians 11:27 ff. Before we offer or receive gifts, we must let go of any anger with with those who may have offended us, and ask forgiveness and be reconciled with those we may have offended.

This extends Jesus' warning in Matthew 5:20-24 and the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 (following verses 14-15 repeat the warning). We must 'make it right' with others before we can 'make it right' with God.

Jesus' sacrifice enabled the Holy Spirit to be dispatched to guide and help us.

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