🎤Why Do Orchids Die? What To Avoid | How To Fix Declining Orchids #ninjaorchids #livestream

1 year ago

#humidity #pests #fungus
There are soooo many factors that can cause an orchid's demise, but I will go through the Top 10 or 11 or 12 important factors that can cause an orchid to collapse and leave a collection. I will also attempt to give some tips and tricks to avoid an orchid from declining further once a diagnosis has been made. Bearing in mind, that we are dealing with living organisms, with a very slow metabolism, that it may all be too late to save an orchid. The diagnosis for an orchid showing signs of stress may be wrong, but we won't know that until some time passes, and other times, we cannot come up with any logical explanation to us, as to why an orchid has an affliction and then collapsed in on itself. Your input in this live stream is of importance for anyone watching the stream on replay, because we have so many environments and conditions in the orchid community that sharing those with the rest of the community will prove very helpful as we discuss why do orchids die? Why is a specific orchid dying and can anything be done to fix it! #stressed #orchids #dyingorchids #tips #save #orchidcare
St. Augustine Orchid Society Pesticide / Fungicide Article: https://staugorchidsociety.org/PDF/OrchidDiseaseControl-FungicidesbySueBottom.pdf
0:00:00 - Why do orchid die? Know these 14 tips to reduce the risk of loosing orchids
0:03:35 - Introduction / Welcome
0:11:01 - How to avoid over watering or under watering orchids to prevent root rot?
0:21:36 - How can too much light or heat affect the health or threaten the health of orchids?
0:27:59 - How does the lack of light affect the health or threaten the health of our orchids?
0:33:19 - How do pests threaten the health or orchids?
0:39:31 - What is the cheapest effective way way to prevent pests on orchids?
0:43:53 - Which 2 words are most important to remember when growing orchids?
0:42:00 - Which insects are beneficial for orchid pest prevention?
0:48:11 - How does leaving foliage wet on orchids overnight affect the health of orchids?
0:50:00 - Why fans can be dangerous for orchids?
0:52:02 - When is the best time to water orchids?
0:54:09 - Why does too much fertilizer or supplements threaten the health of our orchids?
0:55:00 - Why does too much fertilizer kill orchids?
0:56:49 - How remove excess salts from orchid pots and what to avoid when soaking orchid pots?
0:57:59 - Does repotting an orchid after fertilizer killed roots help rescue the orchid?
1:01:45 - Why do I talk so much? Why does it appear as though I am going off on tangents?
1:04:06 - How much light do rescue orchids need to recover?
1:10:28 - How does lack of airflow threaten the health of our orchids? Carbon Dioxide toxicity and the damage it does to orchids
1:15:38 - How to get fresh air into a grow space while temperatures are too cold outdoors to open windows
1:21:36 - How does to little or too much humidity affect the health or orchids?
1:32:32 - How can too hot or too cold temperatures threaten the health of orchids?
1:48:39 - When is it the right time to cut a spike off an orchid that is weak to save it?
1:50:15 - What pollutants are unsafe for orchids and what are the symptoms of pollutants affecting our orchids?
1:54:54 - What are the dangers of ethylene toxicity for orchids?
1:57:01 - How long does it take for orchids to be affected by ethylene gas exposure?
1:59:27 - How do orchids get exposed to ethylene gas?
2:01:07 - Does fruit produce ethylene gas? Orchids in kitchen where fruit are present
2:03:49 - How quickly can ethylene gas kill an orchid?
2:05:39 - Are systemic insecticides and fungicides dangerous for using on orchids?
2:12:06 - What are effective alternative pest and fungicide treatment products that are not systemic?
2:13:58 - Are copper based fungicides bad for orchids?
2:18:00 - The dangers of rot on orchids from the perspective of how bacteria does the damage
2:18:47 - The best reading of how bacteria does the damage within orchids to enduce rot on the internet! Enjoy! LOL
2:26:08 - Sterilizing cutting tools to remove rot from orchids which is better bleach or alcohol?
2:27:39 - How to avoid rot from happening on our orchids?
2:32:14 - Do viruses kill orchids? What are the symptoms of viruses on orchids? How to diagnose an orchid for virus. Can viruses be transmitted from one orchid to another?

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