January 21st, 2023 VA'E'RA-Shabbat

2 years ago

This is the portion about the beginning of the plagues of Egypt. In ancient times, the world worshipped many false gods. Now Y'hovah, the only God is about to show up on the world scene and show that He is the only God and is one who loves His people and comes to set them free from the burdens of this life and the slavery of sin. This will soon happen again as the Lord will show up again and the world will see the difference between those who are His and those who are not. It will be a decision making time for the whole world that will bring about the greatest harvest of souls ever. If you would like a copy of the notes and teaching for this Shabbat, send an email to Rabbi Elliot Hass at kolharuach@gmail.com and I will send it to you.

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