Composting in pile, 1st Mixing/Overturning (22.01.2023)

2 years ago

The first mixing/overturning of the compost pile took place on January 22nd, Sunday morning. A final settlement was made afterwards.

We didn't need to add water as we expect rain in the next few days. Temperatures will remain high for the season (January with 15 degrees Celsius)

The Divine Liturgy was also heard from the village Church.

Some of the cornus mas trees were almost in bloom.
#Compost #composting #compostinginpile #cornusmas #bloom #blomming #divineliturgy #mixing #overturing #κομποστοποίηση #θείαλειτουργία #θειαλειτουργια #εκκλησία #ανθοφορία #κρανιές
Related 2022:
Second mixing of composting body with sounds of D.L. (P5.1):
3rd Mixing/Overturning of Compost into a pile (C3):

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