5 Reasons You Should Raise Pigs at the Homestead

2 years ago

1. Pigs are efficient converters of food,
making them a cost-effective way to produce meat.
2. Homestead pigs provide a source of pork, bacon, and
ham for consumption.
3. Pigs are hardy animals that thrive in a variety of climates.
4. Pigs can be used to clear land and weeds.
5. Pigs can provide natural fertilizer.

Make It a Great Day!

Thank you so much for your support!
We are full time homesteaders at Pioneer Mountain Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania. We have a sawmill, produce garden, honeybees, layer hens, laying ducks, pigs, and goats. Additionally, we provide boat and camper storage to nearby visitors of Raystown Lake and sell firewood and lumber in south central Pennsylvania. Our journey is to be as self-reliant as we can be; to live as much as we can from the resources we have at hand; to effectively be productive with as minimal environmental impact as possible; to raise food in an organic manner; and to give back to our community through education or demonstration. We are always learning, as well. Life is always an adventure! We enjoy learning from others and seeing what other people are doing as well. –Bren and Chuck


If you enjoy our content or just want to send us a message, please sign up for our EMAIL list. Here’s the link: https://www.pioneermountainhomestead.com/email-signup-pioneer-mountain-homestead/

Our website is: https://www.pioneermountainhomestead.com/

Direct Link to the Homestead Page: www.RaystownFarm.com

Our social media links: https://www.pioneermountainhomestead.com/about/

Other information:
Pioneer Mountain Homestead
16477 Sharman Lane
James Creek, PA 16657
"Embracing Everything Farm and Forest"

#pioneermountainhomestead #pmhomestead #raystown #pennsylvania #lakeraystownregion #pigs #homesteadpigs #homesteading #pigraising #raisingpigs

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