NTX Royal Ranger District Update & Upcoming Events Jan 2023

1 year ago

It’s time FOR OUR ANNUAL POW-WOW!!! Our theme is COURAGE and we’re going to emphasize the importance of Courage. We will also be honoring first responders. We hope that you, dads and your boys are making plans to a[end this year’s camp, because we want you there! We want to fellowship with you and both pray & praise our heavenly Father together!!! Our 2023 Pow-Wow will be held April 21-23, 2023. So make plans now to be there at the camp.
We’ve worked hard to make it as easy as possible for every local outpost to enjoy our camp at an affordable cost. There are 3 registration periods: Early bird, pre-registration, last-minute registration. Early bird registration is $38 Chartered a person, Pre-registration is $45 Chartered a person, and Last Minute is $55 a person.
Our special guests for this event will be depuHes from the Ellis County Sherriff’s department, who will be helping our boys earn their Law Enforcement merit.
Other Pow-Wow activities for your boys and teens will includes shooting sports. Specifically Olympic Class Air Rifles and competition level Daisy 499 BB-Gun Rifles.
Our Shawnee Trail chapter of FCF will also be conducting an adventure. So get your applicaGons in early, and step boldly into an adventure of a lifetime. The District Director will pay the FCF adventure fee for the first 2 leaders and first 2 pre-teens/teens who sign up. (Send him an email at slewis@northtexas.ag to let him know you want to parGcipate) It’s going to be awesome, so sign up now. The application for membership is included in this packet.
Please note: A separate registration form must be completed and brought to camp for each attendee. The participant agreement form requires a parent or legal guardian’s signature for the boys that are 17 and younger in order for them to attend Pow-Wow. For everyone 18 and older, the participant agreement form requires their signature.
Please be in prayer for a great move of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of our boys at Pow-Wow. We hope this Pow-Wow will be a very memorable one for your boys.
We hope to see you at Pow-Wow! Your North Texas Royal Rangers® Staff

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