365 Days Without Alcohol - The Most Successful Year Of My Life

2 years ago

I've just completed my first 365 days without drinking a sip of alcohol.
For me not drinking alcohol has been the single best decision that helped me progress in my personal development Journey.
Since then I have moved cities, doubled my income, and lost about 17 kg of weight.
I'm not here to try and convince you to stop drinking alcohol I just want to share with you my experience and show you how this was the most successful year of my life.

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0:00 My Life With Alcohol
0:51 My Success
1:19 Calorie Deficit
2:18 Quality VS Quantity of Sleep
3:03 No More Mood Swings
3:37 Becoming Albert Einstein
5:20 Why Have I Quit Alcohol?
6:11 Tim Ferris Who?
6:53 Killer Mentality
7:33 Habits Are Easy To Build
8:38 More Quality Time With My Kids
9:38 Circle Of Influence
10:51 If You Have Self-Esteem Problems This Is For You
11:05 Fewer Upsies
11:36 There Is No Faking It Here

Technical stuff

#quitalcohol #sober #successmindset

Video Tags:
how to stop drinking,how to stop drinking alcohol,alcohol free,how to stop drinking alcohol on your own,stop drinking alcohol,stop drinking alcohol hypnosis,stop drinking alcohol motivation,quit alcohol,quit alcohol motivation,quit alcohol hypnosis,quit alcohol benefits,quit alcohol for a month,quit alcohol forever,quit alcohol affirmations,alcohol addiction,quit drinking,1000 days sober,benefits of stopping drinking,365 days sober,success in 1 year, dry january

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