I stand by Andrew Bridgens, ex tory MP. Government's fascism clear Speak against Vaccine = Lose Whip

2 years ago

The lamestream media and the shill government are the ones on dangerous ground, NOT Andrew Bridgens. By taking his whip they unequivocally promote fascism against those who dare to speak the truth/against the government! Oppose the vaccines = lose your power/whip. WE MUST STAND WITH BRIDGENS AGAINST THESE TRAITORS IN PARLIAMENT!

Andrew Bridgens issues a powerful statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD2lhNnlDbQ

They claimed he could do harm to real covid harms: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jan/17/andrew-bridgen-covid-vaccine-tweets-could-harm-public-health

Andrews whipped stripped: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/uk/andrew-bridgen-suspended-from-tory-party-over-remarks-on-covid-19-vaccine/articleshow/96917781.cms

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