Trip and Fall Lawyer - Falls on Sidewalks and Parking Lots

2 years ago

Trip and fall lawyer Scott DeSalvo talks about falls outside: on sidewalks, in parking lots, anyplace outside. This is useful information for you to have whether you have fallen and been injured on City property or private property of any kind.

I hope this info helps you. If you have questions or need more help, give me a call, toll-free, at 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318). Free, no obligation consultation in person or by phone.

Or, you aren't ready to talk to a lawyer, I have created a DVD Injury Video which you can get immediately delivered to your email. Same deal. Free, no obligation. Just click the link to get the Injury DVD and you will be taken to my website to give your name and email and I will email you the Injury DVD VIdeo:

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Or check out my web site for MORE information about trip and fall, slip and fall and any kind of fall down case:

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I hope that this information helps you make some sense about how to proceed if you have been injured in a trip and fall. If you still have questions, I am happy to answer any questions you have below or give me a call. Thanks.

Scott D. DeSalvo
Accident Lawyer Chicago

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