🨄Contradiction of daily „life”: =»THIS STUFF: work/relax, joy/sad, problem/solution !!! =» MARXISM

2 years ago

-------------------The circuit of multivibrator circus... = Basics of kognitivistics instincts in tabelaric simplification: Human marxism as bistable electronic multivibrator. From the point peoples fallen & failed in blasphemy. Even sirens support spirituality that YOU ARE SATANIC CRAP TO OSEH KADOSH MILHAMAH AGAINST , by creators of universe & people of really good will. Simple approach to explain why society is such unnatural, evil & „buggy” in its masses. Two states of electric circuit are daily means of „functioning” of multi society layers. Visible contradiction is satanic effect due to society's blasphemy against Holy Spirit. BUT individualistic defeatism would be crash crap. I have Faith in individual salvation. This is NOT ltd. to „christian” rapture or whatever. – Idea equivalent to the sense of ERETZ CHAIIM.
•Electronics is good example of human spiritual (thus behavioral, learn to think crappy people...) nature. Even two kinds: analog and digital are model of human dramat. AND „„PEOPLE”” (RATHER HYBRIDS) WANT THIS. The state that even great flood doesn't cleaned this. Og „faith” especially lacks logic & proper science. Have any discovery helped you that brought strong happiness, etc.? No. Role of science almost everyday is to debillize families. Contrary to the some Passukim of Tanakh – especially about deductive rule that 10 will go after 1. Quantifiers are other topic hereby.
•Truth is hidden into language, yes, daily language(s) ❟
•Reasoning basis is deduction. Yes, this is true. BUT you need THE proper amount of deduction, also. Value is NOT quality in standard philosophy. Not all values are numerical, etc. . Economy is NOT philosophy but beast system. ❟
•MOST „SCIENCE” SCI-FI ARE INDUCTIVE, NOT DEDUCTIVE. Induction, contrary to deduction, is generalising & similarity-based thinking, cutting the details from is nature/definition. Deduction is widely wise. How difficult to reason that modern society & even the past cultures, have erratically (inductive) glance, mainly „based” on analOGy. False reasoning results wars, family divisions, and whatever deep state daily effects.
•MITZVOT certainly are based on DEDUCTION. From my own life experiences.
•Ultimate resolution can, is only Jewish Culture. Not some „culture flash” BUT modification of societies by the New World Order.
•If I have TOV EMUNAH, why should I fear negative analysis? This is maybe some pointer to the crappy people. Only formatted as self-reflection question.
• From the https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/spontaneous
86 Synonyms & Antonyms of SPONTANEOUS - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for SPONTANEOUS: automatic, mechanical, sudden, reflex, robotic, instinctive, simple, mechanic; Antonyms of SPONTANEOUS: deliberate, conscious, ...
#bistable #multivibrator #exciter #joy #sadness #psychology #spirit #spirituality #generator #robot #computer #monism #dualism #errors #fallacies #engine #humanity #society #robotisation #cognitivistics #health #work #marxism #carolmarx #mental #hygiene #psychoanalysis #instinct #deduction #deductive #logic #basics #basis #lifestyle #science #scientific #study #analogy #digital #electronic #comparation #rats #behavioral #behaviorism #truemodeloftheworld #conspiracy #analysis #comparison #electronics #mind #personality #rules #variations #variants #disorders #dysfunctions #causes #makeamericagreatagain #masonic #hidden #reality #wtf #thesis #antithesis #synthesis #database #language #though #structures #activity #patterns #recombination #matrix #nwo #culture #fear #panic #solution #contructs #ideas #conclusion #induction #anthonyms #key #clues #emphasis #words #tongue #examination #quantum #ideology #idealization #overton #window #tristate #chaos #theory #condemnation #salvation #religion #sinim #china #conversion #saint #paul #unknown #discover #interesting #facts #philosophy #wisdom #crisis #corporations #crossing #mutations #decipher #puzzle #mindblowing #paradise #hell #howthisworks #human #humanism #everyday #daily #routine #bored #rationale #rationalism #Jewish #difficult #cults #sects #masonry #mimesis #memetics #ethics #morality #stupidness #emotions #sociology #equivalence #functor #blasphemy #secrets #beast #greatbattle #armageddon #exegesis #scriptural #theology #internals #tips #logic #cyberman #monkeysplanet

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