Let not your heart be troubled (John 13:36-14-15) | RIOT Podcast Ep 115 | Christian Podcast

2 years ago

Let not your heart be troubled (John 13:36–14:15) is the topic that will be discussed today on the RIOT Podcast, a Christian Discipleship Podcast.

In our reading today, we are continuing the conversation the disciples have been having with Jesus at Passover. Jesus is letting them know He will no longer be with them physically and that He now has to go be with the Father.

We will read in John 13:36-38, Peter asks Jesus where He will be going. Wondering if they could join Him. With the questions that Peter was asking, Jesus shows us that they are perplexing questions, which was causing their hearts to be troubled. We know this because in John 14:1 Jesus tells them, “Let not your heart be troubled.”

As we read through this Chapter, we will see Jesus bring them a sense of calm with encouraging words of comfort. Jesus is the only one that can truly know our hearts. Peter did not know him, and we sometimes have trouble truly knowing our hearts. One thing is for certain in this life we live there will come a time when our hearts will be troubled. These next couple of podcasts will help bring to life Jesus’s words of comfort and assurance. We will focus on 6 wonderful assurances. Assurances, that we today may claim and enjoy when life gets messy and confusing.

Read John 13:36 and John 14:6

Did you notice Jesus did not rebuke Peter for asking him where He was going? But his reply was somewhat cryptic. He said, “One day, Peter, you will follow me to the cross, and then you will follow me to heaven. But first, you will deny me 3 times.”

He starts to calm their hearts with the mention of heaven as a real place. It is not a product of religious imagination or the result of a psyched-up mentality, looking for pie in the sky by and by the fairytale. According to Jesus, heaven is the place where God dwells and where Jesus sits today at the right hand of the Father.

Another encouragement from Jesus we find in Vs. 3 is a clear promise that Jesus will return one day for His people. Some will go to heaven through the "valley of the shadow of death," but those who are alive when Jesus returns will never see death. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 says, “In that day, we will be changed to be like Christ, and we will go to heaven." What a great promise!

Jesus assured his disciples that once they died, they would be with Him in heaven for all eternity. Paul wrote in Romans 8:18 that he considers the sufferings of this present time not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. We, along with the disciples, will suffer in some way, shape, or form here on earth, but Jesus’s words give us the eternal blessing of heaven to look forward to.

Read John 14:7-11

We do not have to wait until we enter heaven to get to know the Father. We can know Him today and receive from Him the spiritual resources we need to keep going when the days are difficult. What does the term “know the Father”, here mean?

The Greek construction of the question in John 14:10 indicates that the Lord expected a yes answer from Phillip. Remember Jesus asked Philip “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you, I do not speak on my authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works.”

The word “Believe” used in John 14:10 is singular, for Jesus was addressing Phillip, but in John 14:11, it is plural, and He is addressing all of His disciples. The tense of both is “go on believing”. Let your faith grow!

There is a plaque out there that says “Why pray when you can worry? Too many people take this statement as truth for their own life. Jesus in these verses is saying quite the opposite. If God is going to answer our prayers and give us peace in our hearts, then there are certain conditions that we must meet. Jesus pointed out those conditions in these verses.

Pray in faith. The promise is for us to claim, and the claiming of it demands faith. When Jesus used the double “Truly, truly," it assured us that this was a big announcement. The fact that Jesus did return to the Father is an encouragement, for now, He is interceding for us. The statement about the greater works applies initially to the apostles, who were given the power to perform special miracles as the credentials of their office.

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