Deliver Us ☥ Prince Of Egypt

2 years ago

​@JohnBell1958 #Trumpet88 #Tzitzit #Torah #Repentance #Resurrection #Scintilla

Torah (Hebrew) Instruction, doctrine, precept; a revelation, oracle. Used by the Hebrews to describe the Mosaic writings, the Pentateuch.

A distinction was drawn between the original written law -- the Mosaic Torah and the rest of the scriptures (torah shabbichethab, "law which is in the writing") -- and what the later Jews called the oral law or torah by mouth (torah shebbe`al peh, "law which is upon the mouth" or from the lips) which became codified as the Mishnah and is supposed to have been handed down by Ezra.

"Of the 'hidden Thorah' it is said that before At-tee-kah (the 'Ancient of all the Ancients') had arranged Itself into limbs (or members) preparing Itself to manifest, It willed to create a Thorah; the latter upon being produced addressed It in these words: 'It, that wishes to arrange and to appoint other things, should first of all, arrange Itself in Its proper Forms.'

In other words, Thorah, the Law, snubbed its Creator from the moment of its birth, according to the above, which is an interpolation of some later Talmudist. As it grew and developed, the mystic Law of the primitive Kabbalist was transformed and made by the Rabbins to supercede in its dead letter every metaphysical conception; and thus the Rabbinical and Talmudistic law makes Ain Soph and every divine Principle subservient to itself, and turns its back upon the true esoteric interpretations" (TG 331).

n. remorse about past events, regret for past actions, sorrow about past occurrences

n. act of bringing back to life, act of raising from the dead; act of bringing back into use


n. iota, trace, small particle; spark, flicker

Easton's Bible Dictionary

the Lord is my light. (1.) A Hittite, the husband of Bathsheba, whom David first seduced, and then after Uriah's death married. He was one of the band of David's "mighty men." The sad story of the curel wrongs inflicted upon him by David and of his mournful death are simply told in the sacred record (2 Sam. 11:2-12:26). (See BATHSHEBA ¯T0000474; DAVID.) (2.) A priest of the house of Ahaz (Isa. 8:2). (3.) The father of Meremoth, mentioned in Ezra 8:33.


What's the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology?

The sidereal system is based on the current position of the constellations while the tropical system is based on where the stars were around 0 AD.

The tropical zodiac is entirely sun-based and the signs are set upon the #ecliptic. The sidereal zodiac is based upon the position of the sun in relation to the star constellations as they appear in the night sky (measured in the early morning when the sun rises)

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