1 year ago

Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and universe, and it can heal us in a profound way! It originates from the sun and stars and God and maybe called Chi, Prana, OM, Mana, Life force, Orgone, Pyramid, or Tesla energy or Zero-point.
Tom Paladino theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, “the storehouses,” for scalar energy. He further theorized the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence and subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe and can heal us.
Connect to Tom Paladino

“The Great Awakening Show” airs on U.K. Health Radio the world’s No 1 ‘Heath Talk Radio’ and has 1.3 million listeners; it also plays on 20 podcast platforms worldwide including Sportily, Apple, and Google. The “Great Awakening Show” is about spiritual truth, guided inspiration, infinite wisdom, and sacred secrets being revealed.
We have inspirational interviews with people from all around the world; light-workers, way-showers, truth speakers, earth keepers, love embracers, healers, authors and all those who are benefiting others and our planet.
Connect with Joanne Kundalini Healing, Awakening, Manifesting Workshops, and Telegram- Truth Social-@greatawakeningshow Facebook-
Peace and Love to you All!

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