Ich will endlich was sehen!

1 year ago

„Everything you hear and say,
Just another cliché.
Like an actor on a movie screen,
Living out someone else's dream.
Living out a total misconception,
Reality, a false perception.
It's such a wasted life,
Without any conclusion.
Moonlight over the high-rise,
At the end of the day.
The little man is asleep in his bed,
Tucked up, safely away.
In his dreams he's taken away by alien beings to another
Galaxy, deep in space. To a planet where a man can live
Out his fantasies, and experience unimaginable pleasures.
But morning comes and soon the realities of life will
Shatter his illusions, and the clichés of the world will
Bring him down. But still he's waiting for a change.
Days drift into days,
His life just slips away.
Everything is passe,
Everything's a cliché.“

(Aus "Clichés of the World" / The Kinks / 1983)

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