CCM Liberty F5J RC Glider, Flap Servo Install

2 years ago

More info-

We install the flap servos in the center panel of this Liberty F5J Medium.
Items used-
KST X10 Mini servos-

IDS Frames-

From CCM-

It is the next level of our team.

The new Liberty model is the implementation of new ideas and technologies into one single unit.

The aerodynamic design is the result of collaboration of famous designers.

This is a model with a great history and transformation into a modern f5J model. The original design was developed by Eser Kismir with Philip Kolb’s help, which allowed to choose the right series of aerodynamic profiles and the concept of the model. After that our CCM team picked up these developments and modernized it in accordance with updated modern requirements.

At the first stage, the model was released in a limited series called Libery and later it will have the original name – Liberty.

It is a completely new model with a larger wingspan, different fuselage and better materials.

We designed an innovative version of the fuselage and to be more specific – it is about the mechanism of its connection, which will allow:

– to store the model in a more compact way for transportation;

– will make it easier to replace separate parts if needed;

– will give an opportunity to develop new model configurations in the future.

As a result, we developed the up-to-date F5j model.

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