"Trump-phobic rant" #3

2 years ago

It is unfortunate that so many great achievements have been erased. But he was dead wrong about the vaccines. I recently rewatched Trump's "Farewell Address." Watching that video again now and hearing Trump describe himself as someone who would look at a skyline and see the towering possibilities, it makes me think that those around him with ill intent may have used his large ego against him. In speaking about the vaccines, he said, "They said it couldn't be done," and he referred to it as a "medical miracle." Well, he said that's what "they" were calling it. But that statement alone would indicate that Trump was selective in hearing only praise for himself, because the "they" who were calling the vaccines a "miracle" were not coming from his base of supporters.

Unlike the propaganda fictions that pretend to know Trump's every thought and motivation, I can only speculate why he did what he did when he decided to put his own name at the helm of such a deadly experiment. I never had a problem with Trump's ego in the past because, as my daddy always said, "it ain't braggin' if it's true." But with regard to Trump's boasting about the vaccines, it WASN'T true. Actually, in fact, Trump went along with perpetuating the lie of the plandemic, for the truth about it--which many Americans knew and which an observant and cautious president should have known as well--was that the virus had a fatality rate of less than half of one percent for the majority of the people and that a rushed experimental vaccine was not necessary.

I can only guess (and hope, for other explanations would involve him being in on it as well) that Trump was defeated by his own ego. I can imagine a scenario in which Trump's ego was stroked by those who might have convinced him that his own name could be forever attached in large letters to a "medical miracle." As Trump says of himself, it was his nature to take on "towering" projects, and we all know from our own observations that it was also his nature to put his name in large letters on those "towers." I think that might be what he hoped to do with the vaccine, and his focus in this speech on the economy probably also factored in to why it is that he lost sight of the big picture and could no longer see that the plandemic was NOT what we were all being told by the "experts" that it was. So many others knew it long before Trump--and to be honest, Trump STILL perpetuates the plandemic lie when he has failed to speak honestly about the true fatality rate of COVID-19 during his presidency.

The fact is that I was a die-hard "Trumpette," but I love my kids and my country more than I love Trump, and I owe it to my kids and future grandkids to do whatever I can to ensure that whoever gets my vote in the future for the highest office in our nation is a person with the best judgment (assuming that our votes will even count in 2024). Running for office is a job interview, and Trump is not exempt from the interview process. We would be fools to think we should hire him back for the job without questioning him thoroughly on the concerns I just raised, which I know are shared by others as well.

Trump himself should understand that--unless he lets his ego get in the way. I remember him saying at a rally one time when the mic or sound was no good that they should not pay the guy who set it up. Such a statement indicates that Trump himself knows that shoddy work should not be rewarded. That doesn't mean the guy who set up the mic isn't great at his job, but it does mean that he screwed up BIGLY when it mattered most, and things like that cannot go unanswered. If the sound guy kept his job, he probably had some explaining to do first. It is entirely reasonable to expect Trump to do some explaining as well, if he wishes to again hold the job of POTUS.

The title of my video is obviously meant to be tongue-in-cheek. But I'm not kidding when I say that I would not be surprised if "Trump-phobia" began trending. I can remember when conservatives used to make fun of those on the left who equate the word "phobia" with the word "hate," and who--because they do not want to engage in an actual conversation--will hurl such insults at a person and then run away.

Sadly, this is what many Trump supporters have begun to resort to as well. I haven't actually been called "Trump-phobic" yet, but I have many times of late been met with the equivalent label of being a "Trump hater." I'm not. But if Trump is applying once again for the job of POTUS, then it is reasonable and right for us to interview the man and expect some answers from him. That's what I'm doing, because I think it is the smart and responsible thing for voters to do--no matter who the candidate is.



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