Chesed- Loving Kindness (Audio)

1 year ago

Chesed (Hebrew: חֶסֶד, also Romanized: Ḥeseḏ) is a Hebrew word that means 'kindness or love between people', specifically of the devotional piety of people towards G-d as well as of love or mercy of G-d towards humanity. It is frequently used in Psalms in the latter sense, where it is traditionally translated "loving kindness" in English translations.

In Jewish theology it is likewise used of G-d's love for the Children of Israel, and in Jewish ethics it is used for love or charity between people. Chesed in this latter sense of 'charity' is considered a virtue on its own, and also for its contribution to tikkun olam (repairing the world). It is also considered the foundation of many religious commandments practiced by traditional Jews, especially interpersonal commandments.

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