Dumbbell Gravity Squats (Swing to Front Raise Squat)

2 years ago

For this exercise we will need to adhere to the “Goldilocks’ Principle!” and select a weight that is light enough for us to front raise under control, but heavy enough to get us into a deeper squat and work the core effectively. Start standing with dumbbells next to your body and initiate this movement with a rearward swing until the dumbbells are held out in front of you in line with the shoulder/chin area. Then perform a deep squat by sitting your hips back and bending the knees to go as deep as possible. Pause for a second and then complete the squat by pushing through the floor and utilizing your glutes, hips and legs to return to the standing position. Take a slight break with the front raise after this by lowering them down with some momentum to start another swing for the next repetition.

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