A Rock for Your Rockpile - Kamen za vašu gomilu #Redeemed #NewLife

2 years ago

When the world calls our name and seeks us to follow the old path - turn. Recognize the new self against the old, turn your back, and face the One who will lead you to safety. Trust the Shepherd. #Bible #bibleversetoday

Kad nas svijet proziva i traži da slijedimo stari put - okreni se. Prepoznajte novoga sebe naspram starog, okrenite leđa i suočite se s Onom koji će vas odvesti u sigurnost. Vjeruj Pastiru. #Biblija #Bibleversedanas

Marka dunidu magaceena u yeedho oo ay ina doondoonto in aynu raacno wadadii hore – u leexo. Aqoonso nafta cusub oo ka gees ah kii hore, dhabarka u jeedi, oo la kulan kan kugu hogaamin doona badbaadada. Kalsoonaada Adhijirka. #Bible #Bibleka maanta

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