576 - Egypt with UnchartedX and Serpent Bros, Wrap up of ancient tech evidence

2 years ago

Move past the intro to see more pics and video's from the trip....

We chat about our recent trip to Egypt in this episode. With UnchartedX, The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism, and The Brothers of the Serpent to look for evidences of lost ancient technologies.
We talk about the many temples we saw, some of the special permissions, the precise granite works, the underground passages, resonance, colossal statues and the alignments of many of the temples and pyramids throughout Egypt. The quarry process, the granite boxes on Elephantine island, and great pyramid are also discussed.

Amazing examples of Dynastic work but also what happened before that. Were these sandstone temples built on older precise granite works?

In the intro we chat about some of our upcoming trips, the logistics in Egypt and the way home through customs....

See links below for the Snake Bros and Ben's Uncharted X:



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