Book Launch: 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions, Vol 3

2 years ago

The Book Launch is underway for 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions, Volume 3. Ross Brand takes his first look at the Paperback version featuring 100+ leading creators and entrepreneurs sharing their top strategies for 2023. Get the Book at

The book is a #1 Best Seller in the US, UK and Canada. It's part of the 18-time book award-winning "100 Predictions" series.

It's an all-new volume of "100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions" for 2023! In Volume 3, Ross Brand brings together an all-star panel of 100+ creators and entrepreneurs to share their predictions and strategies for digital success in a rapidly changing universe. Get the book: (Affiliate Link)

--Leverage 100 new predictions from cutting-edge creators
--Implement proven strategies from industry insiders
--Discover essential resources for monetization
--Featuring Emmy winners, Hall of Fame podcasters and YouTube stars

Author: Ross Brand
Publisher: @LivestreamUniverse
Foreword: @Dealcasters Chris Stone @castahead & Jim Fuhs @FuhsionMarketing
Format: Ebook & Paperback
Print Length: 245 pages

Reviews for the #1 Amazon Best Seller, "100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions, Volume 2," recipient of seven book awards including the Goody Business Book Award, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award and Independent Author Network Book of the Year Finalist.

"Insights from feet-on-the-street professionals sure to increase your influence and help your business grow." --Mark S. Babbitt, Co-Author of Good Comes First @marks.babbitt1322

"Ross Brand and his contributing experts knock this one out of the park!" --Mitch Jackson, The Metaverse Lawyer @MitchJacksonEsq

"A fun, super quick, easy to read, and ACTIONABLE collection of predictions from livestreamers and digital media geniuses." --Jennie Mustafa-Julock aka Coach Jennie @CoachJennie

"How does a business owner stay on top of the most effective approaches and best platforms? By reading #100Predictions!" --S. Chris Edmonds, Co-Author of Good Comes First @SChrisEdmonds

"A great read that should be considered one of the Bibles of the livestreaming world." --David Simon, Cloud Video Network @cloudvideonetwork

About the Author
Ross Brand is the connection between brands, early-stage startups and customers through the power of live video. He's served as an on-air personality, brand ambassador and consultant for industry brands such as StreamYard, BeLive, LiveU and Wirecast. Ross was instrumental in the rapid growth and adoption of StreamYard through his shows and network of digital influencers. Switcher Studio selected him as one of "5 Live Video Experts to Follow" and Klout named him the top livestreaming expert on social media.

Ross is the author and founder of the 100 Predictions franchise. His book series, 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions, reached the top of the Best Seller rankings in six countries and won 18 book awards. He's been featured by Nasdaq TV, Forbes and Psychology Today.

#rossbrand #100predictions #2023predictions

During the video, Ross also discussed books by @CoachJennie @joiegharrity4225 @TheQ411 @BryanKramer “@louisemcdonnell1011 @ChrisStrub @MitchJacksonEsq @BeeinspiredB @DaleLRoberts @EddieGarrison @SChrisEdmonds @marks.babbitt1322

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