MR. NON-PC - Keep Saying No To The CovidCult!

2 years ago

Usually I'm wearing my "Just Say No To The CovidCult" shirt, but I'm gonna go a step further and KEEP saying no to the CovidCult!

It's sad too, because I had to cut family and friends outta my life because they became complete "Covidiots" and they're just stuck on the CovidCult channel.

We're at day 1049 now of the "Emergency" and you see how the Lamestream/Helter Skelter Race-Baiting Media always keeps trying to push the fear porn panic button with the CovidCult.

It's more important than ever to KEEP SAYING NO TO THE COVIDCULT....because anyone who actually "gets it" knows that they're gonna try to pull another "Plandemic" sooner than later!

This never truly ends until the "Emergency Powers Act" is revoked...but just like the Patriot Act (which has been enacted since 2001 and never removed) I doubt they'll ever remove it.

We must keep saying NO to the CovidCult...

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