2 years ago

Research FACT at
UNDRIP - Turtle Island - Residential school system- reconciliation- UN Agenda 21 - well planned huge psy-op underway to steal all the land and resources , and the sell out selected globalists chiefs are also all involved in this scam - Do you comprehend this scam! United Nations, same cult of murderers is out to genocide the world and they are offering self-government to the sovereigns - Are people this stupid I hope NOT!

As the truth about the PARAISTES running our world today is revealed in the present, it provides us the opportunity to reevaluate the past and gain new understanding from our own first person witnessing of history as it unfolded.

For example, we now know that the globalists are, factually speaking, child-trafficking pedophiles. We know they run a global organ harvesting and transplant black market operation. We know they routinely plot to maximize corporate profits by killing any number of human beings in the process (covid vaccines, pharmaceuticals, etc.), and we know they plot false flag operations in order to run psychological terrorism campaigns against the people of the world.

With that realization, looking back at events like 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing and even World War II suddenly brings new clarity: We realize the history of the world is actually a history of globalist terrorism against the people of the world. Nearly every crisis we’ve all lived through was engineered on purpose and unleashed to achieve a globalist goal of profit, power or depopulation.

There are almost no acts of actual terrorism committed by individuals or groups that weren’t directly run by governments or funded by globalist operators.

Once we fully understand the past and the present, we can then see the future with much greater clarity. We know, for example, that:

Any time humans are on the verge of a mass awakening or “freedom” wave, globalists unleash another horrific terrorism campaign to keep people enslaved in fear.

A key weapon of the globalists is to force the people into isolation so they cannot talk to each other. Covid lockdowns were part of this, but the far more effective strategy is to shut down the power grid so that people can’t even communicate electronically.

Globalists telegraph their moves ahead of time because they need to set up the appropriate narratives in advance of their next wave of attacks. For example, while they plan to take down the power grid themselves, they are putting out warnings that claim “extremist” groups want to target the power grid.

The real “extremist” group in the UNITED NATIONS MILITARY COMPLEX
Knowing this with absolute certainty — and having a firsthand experience now of how globalist governments are actively targeting humanity for total extermination — we can accurately anticipate their next escalation attack.

The next play will be the FINAL play against humanity… there won’t even be any attempt to hide their real motivations
It now appears they are ready to play the “end game” card against humanity and go for a total civilization takedown. This means disrupting or destroying the food supply chain, the power grid, telecommunications, monetary systems and the rule of law. The goal is absolute chaos resulting in mass death on a global scale, and the more chaos they can unleash in this manner,

They will PROMOTE the truth about the Poison injections to anger the populace. Strategic Plan. When the people find out their loved ones were intestinally murdered. What will happen ? Anger of course!

All this confirms what we’ve suspected for quite some time now. The next attack vector will be one or more of the following:

A staged cyber attack on the financial infrastructure to take down the transactional infrastructure and plunge cities into chaos. This will be the opening round of the “great reset” script.

A deliberate takedown of the power grid to achieve a similar outcome.

A subsequent telecom “kill switch,” if needed, to ensure the complete collapse of internet functionality so that people can no longer connect online.

A deliberate release of a highly aggressive pathogen with a very high kill rate (Marburg / Ebola, etc.) or a toxic nanoparticle that simulates a pathogen. The panic from this will be used to drive additional “vaccine” campaigns which are of course simply death shot injections.

Domestic terrorism false flag operations that involve nuclear or radiological terrorism. (Could also be the mass aerosolized spraying of populations using drones or chemtrail sprayers.)

Provoking wars to de-populate the world-

Medical martial law, mass gun confiscation, domestic checkpoints, covid death camps and similar operations.

The timeline for this is obviously approaching very quickly because

The awakening is accelerating. The covid narratives are collapsing. Humanity is beginning to rise up against tyranny, and the censorship efforts have failed to stop it.

The people have realized there are NO Elections and never were, there is NO justice, and never was, there are no Courts, and never was!

Injections of the death shot and previous death shots are now becoming more apparat to more it has and always been the plan to murder millions. These facts can no longer be hidden!

Deaths are already accelerating and can’t be hidden for much longer. The body bags are stacking up in the morgues and can’t be ignored forever.

Thus, the almost certain window of opportunity for globalists to unleash their next wave of attacks on humanity is chaos in the cities and towns.

What do we DO ?

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