Daily Chess play - 1305 - Need to improve my end games

1 year ago

First game, Opponent pushed my Knight around into a interesting position. He gets the center but I felt like I wasn't that bad of a shape. Did a Queen trade to open things up. Oh didn't notice that the mouse pointer doesn't get recorded. I lost my Bishop for two pawns. I think was losing anyway but I blunder my Rook in front of his Bishop. Resigned.

Second game, During the opening, was able to take the center. Flurry of trades and still even in mid game. I think I messed up going for a Rook check just becaue I opened up the King's defense. Should have focused taking pawns probably. End game, I think I am supposed to lose so that's that.

Third game, This is a start of the series vs zeltron09. He trades Queens early on and has a pawn advantage. I end up with the pawn advantage but I mess up during the end game. I think I should have been able to move my rook to do something when my pawns were on e7 and f7. I mess up and his pawn promotion wins the game.

Fourth game, Opponent wanted to rematch, I accepted. I was about to call it day but my urge to play was strong haha... Pretty even with him aggresively poking at my defenses. I got fork on his Queen and Knight on f5. I counter attack with my Queen to f2 and then he blunders his Bishop right into my Queen on e3 which was check and then took his Knight on e2. I then started attacking his Rook pinned on e4. He then hangs his Rook on e4. He tries some counterplay but I had a huge advantage by that point. He then blunders his Queen, not sure if it's on purpose and then we head into another rematch.

Fifth game, I think I have what's called the London structure up on black squares and we both have only black Bishops only so both are useless in the beginning. We traded Queens early on as well. I started pushing my pawn up to a5. I managed to defend my castled King a bit better. Knight was in good position to defend. Was able to fork his Rooks on f6. Managed to gain further advantages by making good trades. Got his last Rook for free and he resigned but no more rematch requests.

Overall, I think I played okay. I kept losing end games that perhaps I should win. I also thank zeltron for giving my points back with some interest =) Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #daily #learning #fork #closecall #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #endgame

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