Translation Contamination

1 year ago

Matthew 23:2saying:
The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses.

One of the most difficult things to do when researching is to assign motive to others. Malicious intent is very hard to prove in some cases. When it comes to God’s Word the devil always has malicious intent and that you can count on.

The object of these new translations is to distort the Word of God. They are not helping you to understand, they are hindering you. If you can’t see it you are blind.

If those who are doing the translating are under the influence of satan then no doubt the translation is full of malicious intent. This is what happens when the Scribes and Pharisees are left to doing the translating.

Matthew 23 is dedicated to religious hypocrites and the term “scribes and Pharisees” is mentioned 19 times. Scribes did the translating and copying of the manuscripts. Christ is telling us in this chapter to beware of who you hire to do your translating for you. No amount of accreditation can give you the insight of the Holy Spirit.

Almost every pastor I’ve encountered is not aware of this so very important fact. If the Bible you’re teaching from isn’t Gods Word then what is it?

The NIV is the number one seller of Bible translations and it is full of error to the point of being completely contaminated. So why are pastors using it and even making excuses for it? Pure ignorance and in some cases it’s done with malicious intent by a pastor who knows better.

What is going on in the Church should be obvious to any Bible scholar; there is a famine in the world for the true Word of God. Amos 8:11

When you mix false doctrine and contaminated translations you will have a recipe for disaster. Every time you retranslate the Bible it becomes more diluted.

If you as a pastor have not done your due diligence on this subject you will be held accountable for your lack of research. This is one of the most basic premises of teaching. Know the subject inside and out before you teach it, not afterward.

Would you let a surgeon operate on you if he was unqualified? Would you let a drummer play guitar for you? Would you let a math teacher teach you English? Why on earth would you let an unqualified pastor be in charge of your eternal soul? It makes absolutely no sense to me.

Its one thing to be ignorant of the Word of God but it is altogether different if you are teaching from a pseudo Bible and you don’t know the difference.

Talk about the blind leading the blind? But yet this is typical in the modern Church. A vast majority of the pastors in America are completely unqualified and they would never pass the true test of an Apostle.

The fact that so many of them are unaware of the new translations being contaminated is proof of their ignorance and lack of discipline in the scriptures.

If Paul came to many of the Churches in America he would be absolutely appalled at the ignorance of the Church and its leadership.

If you as a pastor are teaching from these contaminated versions everything you do will be skewed as far as furthering the kingdom of God.

In the purest form, this is a direct violation of Revelation 22:18-19 in every way. Modern day pastors have completely overlooked this verse as if it didn’t exist.

Many of these same ignorant pastors even pass out the NIV NAS Bibles for free. They just don’t grasp the importance of keeping Gods Word pure and undefiled as much as humanly possible.

What is even sadder is these new translations are all done in the name of convenience. As if Christians in America didn’t have it easy already. They claim the KJV is just too hard to read and understand.

Even after 400 years the KJV has proven to be the most accurate translation, despite its faults. At least we know where the faults are in the KJV and Dr. Strong has done an excellent job converting the KJV back to the originals.
The KJB is a transliteration and not a translation but Dr Strong translates it for you. I trust his work.

You can’t do that with any of the new translations because they are not word for word. The NIV preface will tell you it is a thought for thought or dynamic translation. They have gone through the dilution process and in almost every case they have intentionally designed it to marginalize the deity of Christ.

Metaphors and Allegories
If the original text is not kept intact the metaphor or allegory may be lost. This is such an important point to make. If a translator is not aware of the metaphor or allegory they can distort it or destroy it altogether.

When using a concordance you must be able to determine which word in the verse is from the original manuscripts. Otherwise your concordance is useless.

You cannot do this with a thought for thought translation. You can’t determine the difference between a human “word” and a “word” from God. Even the so called word for word dynamic translations are not word for word. They add words and take away words under the guise of making the sentence structure flow better.

The problem with this is the reader doesn’t know the difference between the words that were added or taken away by the translators. This is an absolute hindrance to understanding.

For instance, if you try and find the Hebrew word for one of the thoughts of the translators you would be led away from the manuscripts towards the thought of a human. Exactly what the devil wants.

It’s hard for me to believe modern Christianity doesn’t see this. It’s so fundamental but yet so misunderstood.

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