Discernment: Practice and Develop your abilities with Dr B @ The Heavenly Tea

2 years ago

The Heavenly Tea:

Conversations to prepare us for a free world in the luxurious form of a tea-party. Traditionally world-changing conversations would be held over a cup of tea…. we will be indulging in a moment of calm to chew over some of life’s mysterious conundrums- all in favour of increasing all of our personal expression.

I want us all to have powerful discernment tools: exercised daily, we become more and more sensitive to the BS in the world, able to pick out truths and feel the resonance of what is true and what is not. I encourage you with all my knowledge in creative intuitive development in the Arts, to get on board with developing your powers of discernment.

INSPIRITION- Isabel’s Books and Courses for Creative Development


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