Strength for Real Change: 1 Timothy 1:12-20

2 years ago

Strength for Real Change: 1 Timothy 1:12-20

Journey Church is a Bible Teaching Church in Westerville. Ohio.
Pastor Chris completed his undergraduate work in Christian Religion, then went on to a Masters of Divinity and was Ordained to preach and teach in the local Church.

Each study in this series stands alone.
If you are encouraged by one passage, please continue to study with us at:

---Below are some passages referenced in this message---

How bad is Paul?
Acts 8:1-3
Acts 9:1-4
Acts 22:1-5
Acts 26:4-11

Rom. 12:2 Conformed to this world or Transformed by Jesus?

Mark 5:9 Legion, wild to seated.
Mark 5:40 Jairus' Daughter, Dead to lunch.
Mark 5:25 Woman with issue of blood. 12 yrs.
Luke 13:10 Woman crooked 18 yrs.
(Free animals to drink on sabbath, but not her?)
Luke 18:35 Blind man by road.
Luke 19 Zacchaeus, Chief tax collector, now generous.
Matt 9 Paralyzed man lowered through roof by 4 friends.
John 4 Woman at well.
John 5 Man at colonades, Bethesda, 38 years, wanted in water.
John 9 Man born blind, sent to pool to wash mud out.
John 11 Lazarus, come forth. Grave.

-(Simon) Peter & Andrew, from fishermen to fishers of men.
-Levi to Matthew from Tax collector to Disciple.

Jesus changed lives forever.
Simon to Peter
Levi to Matthew
Saul to Paul

From the least likely at the worst times and places to the blest!

They all had an encounter with the Lord Jesus.
Have you?

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