Ep 4: Trekking Poles are Dumb

2 years ago

The difference between hiking, backpacking, and 'camping', and sex with no intention of ever having an orgasm - what's the point? Modern camping is not a real outdoor activity.

Wilderness backpacking as an activity inherently includes both hiking and camping. But hiking as an activity does not inherently involve backpacking or camping at all. And camping as an activity does not inherently involve backpacking or hiking at all. Confused yet?

Would it be realistic for a character in a book to survive until morning without frostbite if he or she collapses in the snowy woods in the middle of the night? Trekking poles are really, really dumb. A new, regular show feature: Campfire stories! My brother once slept all night perched high up in a pine tree next to Taco Bell.

I'm a big fan of floorless, tipi type tents for their superior weight savings, space offerings, head room, stability in foul weather, and more. Two of my favorites are the Black Diamond Mega Light and the Luxe Hiking Gear Hexpeak 2P Tipi Tent. I show them off a little here. Also, I talk about cooking (and more) with the BCB NATO British water bottle and NATO Crusader Cup.

There's no such thing as bad weather, only of not being properly dressed. Wind, elevation, temperatures and other considerations. I hate having to make conversions between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Walking sticks and trekking poles do not make hiking easier. The first time I heard of trekking poles, I said to myself, "There's no way on earth people will actually spend money on those things." Boy, I should have known better. Ever hear of Pet Rocks?

Which attitudes better compliment the purpose for being out in nature in the first place, and which attitudes further contribute to alienation from the natural world?

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