The [Chivalric Male] - Mtsar

1 year ago
58 Books

"The child who for any reason does not manage to effectively escape the baneful influence of his medusan mother cannot successfully enter the solar world and benefit from it. His existence on its periphery is bound to be troubled, sorrowful and unstable. The call of the stygian abyss reverberates within his being, and he soon recoils from the bright upper world. He finally succumbs to the female will which directs his consciousness from that point on."
~ Mtsar (Orpheus Undead) article

"As an agent of his dark mother’s malignant will, he soon aligns his will with hers, turning against the male and the masculine. Under her spell he becomes monstrous. He is one of the undead. Whatever remains of his fragile masculinity works to maintain her surreal arational world." ~ Mtsar (Orpheus Undead) article

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