Mustard Seed by Nick Warbuton

2 years ago

Afternoon Play: Mustard Seed
Thu 29th Jul 2004, 14:15 on BBC Radio 4 FM

A traveller passing through a remote village finds himself the recipient of a desperate request when a mother implores him to cure her only son. A beautiful, touching story, based on a Buddhist fable. By Nick Warburton.

Director: Peter Kavanagh
The Traveller: Jim Norton
Katherine: Emma Fielding
Robert: Stephen Hogan

Kisa Gotami was the wife of a wealthy man of Savatthi. Her story is one of the more famous ones in Buddhism. ... An old man told her to see the Buddha. The Buddha told her that he could bring the child back to life if she could find white mustard seeds from a family where no one had died.

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