Alexander Low (Beyond Sales) & Adem Manderovic (Closed Circuit Selling)

1 year ago

You don’t have to look very far in todays world to find schools of thought that some portion of yesteryear are dead with reflect to sales and business.

Not many, have conquered not only this, but turned that into a whirlpool of success showing that the right blend of the new technological advances with simply better business, surprisingly enough equals better business.

My next guest is an oracle of knowledge when it comes to Linkedin, digital sales and all things sales navigator.

I would be shocked, if the depth of knowledge this man has and how he delivers it does not excite you.

Alexander Low Director of Beyond Sales and Host of The Death of a Salesman, and I sit down and talk about everything thats changed in the world of sales, for different look episode for episode 76 of Better Business Building.


This episode is brought to you by on the journey of building an empire of #ClosedCircuitSellers

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