Savage Worlds ADventure Edition Legend of Ghost Mountain Kickstarter #shorts

2 years ago

Celebrating their 20th anniversary of Savage Worlds, Pinnacle Entertainment Group has launched the Legend of Ghost Mountain Kickstarter to bring this exciting new setting to life. Written by Darrell Hayhurst, the setting has characters take on the role of Ghost Wardens to defend the gate to the Underworld and correct what has gone wrong. Consisting not only of the campaign material, but also a 10 part plot point campaign with lots of structure for the big stories, but plenty of material for a Game Master to fill in the details of the story more tailored to their players.

Pinnacle Entertainment is a great company who put out fantastic products. If nothing else, click the link below and give it a look and see if you're interested.

Kickstarter Link:

#games #rpg #ttrpg #savageworlds #ghostmountain #peginc
#pinnacle #wuxia

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