This woman had the audacity to say that the vaccine "will do you no harm". It ended her life.

2 years ago

A facebook user by the name of Jennie Rispoli promoted Satan's poison, also known as the covid-19 vaccine, on her profile. Some time later, she suddenly passes after being double-vaccinated. I hope facebook vanishes out of existence forever. I recently made a video about the evil scrotum-looking pedophilic bitch known as Klaus Schwab planning to shut off the power grid. Honestly, I really do hope it happens, because then that means no one has access to social media anymore. Social media has turned a lot of humanity into some of the dumbest and most evil monsters you can ever meet in your life. They want to jail or even kill you for refusing to get vaccinated. Imagine wanting to kill someone who doesn't want poison injected into their body. You wouldn't catch me dead being that stupid or evil. These people promoting the mark of the beast deserve to go to hell. If and when Klaus Schwab does shut off the power grid, I hope people band together to overthrow the world government instead of begging for a social credit score just so they can go back on the internet to continue being indoctrinated by the censorship and propaganda from big-tech social media networks. Though I fear that millions, if not even billions of people will continue to comply out of desperation. It's pretty much guaranteed that I will never comply, but sadly people like Jennie will continue to do so because they have sold their soul to the devil.

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