Daily Chess play - 1311 - Solid Victories

1 year ago

First game, I fork my Knights but I take a very forward position threatening Queen and Bishop. Opponents forces some trades which makes sense. His Queen starts to attack my King but he gets a bit greedy so I can then start attacking his pieces. All the while I am thinking of attacking his King which turns into a checkmate.

Second game, Pretty even start however I think I had the better structure. I steadily pushed up my pieces and opponent made a some mistakes with his calculations as I was able to take pieces for free. Resisted my temptations to take big risks for the win and played the slow safe approach. At the end I had huge pawn advantage so opponent resigned.

Overall, I think I played okay. Was able to take advantage of the opportunities given. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #daily #learning #fork #closecall #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win

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