In Search of Hannibal + Update + Art Reference + Reading Material

2 years ago


Partial Hannibal reading list mentioned in the video:

- Hannibal Enemy of Rome by Leonard Cottrell
- Hannibal ad Portas from Banisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe / Theiss
- The Punic Wars by Adrian Goldsworthy
- The Ghosts of Cannae by Robert O'Connell
- The Punic Wars by Nigel Bagnall
- Vanquished by Mir Bahmanyar
- History of Rome by Livy
- Fall of the Roman Empire by Peter Heather

Good comic reads:

- Age of Bronze by Eric Shanower
- Die Adler Roms by Marini
- Carthage Must be Destroyed by Richard Miles
- The Golden Ass by Milo Manara

Killer reference -
- All things Osprey !

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