Labour and Delivery Birth Vlog 2020 | Malaysian & American baby

4 years ago

Here is the entire story of the labour and delivery birth of our little baby boy.

Rachel started having contractions at 10pm the night of August 7th. She went to sleep and woke up at 1am with very strong contractions, so she started monitoring them using a contraction app. Over the next few hours her contractions grew stronger and closer together, so she and Logesh went to the hospital. However, when the nurses checked she was not dilated enough for them to admit her as a patient, so she was sent home. Rachel was very disappointed to be sent home. Over the next several hours her labour contractions became stronger and more unbearable. Finally it was time to go back to the hospital, and when they admitted her she was dilated 8 out of 10 centimeters and about ready for the baby to come! She made it just in time to get an epidural, which helped with the unbearable labour pain. Since the hospital has strict rules about Covid-19, both she and Logesh had to wear masks the entire labour and delivery. Only an hour and a half after making it to the hospital, a healthy baby boy was born! Kyren Kumaar was born on his due date 8/8/2020 at 7:46pm.

Malay (Bahasa Melayu) and English subtitles available. Just click the CC caption or three dots in the video.

The Kumaar Family will be doing a Q&A video soon! If you have a question you want to ask, here's what you need to do:

- Record a 5-10 second video of yourself asking the question
- Email your video to
- Make sure you send your video by 23 August 2020

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