Jesus is against man made churches

2 years ago

Jesus hates man made churches that are just a joke now and not what the Early Christians did of sharing everything they had, helping the poor, the widow's, orphans, outcasts, meeting in homes not in a building and having a rock band play the latest Hillsong songs, modern Christianity is all about me me me, God give us this, God I need a new car now, God look at us and our church building, look at all the Christmas decorations that cost thousands of dollars to show off or huge Easter egg hunts with face painting and food trucks or trunk or treat and never repent repentence ever, or do anything Jesus or the early apostles did of preaching the word and they did it powerfully to and didn't care if anyone got offended at all, Peter and John were arrested after healing a lame man and said tell us which is good to obey you or God !! Stephen told the pharisees the entire lesson of the Jewish people from Abraham to Jesus and said you stiff necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears was there a prophet your father's did not persercute they killed those who preclaimed the coming of the Messiah and you have become His betrayer's and murderers, you who have received the law from angels and have not obeyed it!! Outside Christians are being killed right now in the middle east, arrested in Canada, England, USA is to, China, North Korea, Africa, true Christians are outside not in the churches at all and the church is a body of believers who have the Holy Spirit not in a building that has cranky people inside who want a program and tradition because they want to go to golden corral and eat lunch, and a pastor who doesn't preach because he doesn't want to offend anyone, get out of dead churches now or be swept away!!

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