2 years ago

In today's video I will be discussing my thoughts on the public spat between Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire.

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For Business Inquiries:

-Steven Crowder’s baseline point does spark thought/conversation
-Does the threat of losing money from demonetization affect or constrain speech from content creators.
-Steven’s business model (Funded by the people, for the people) is not as scalable with everything the Daily wire has going on
-All hands on deck from Daily Wire - are they losing members?
-Ben Shapiro has always been a big money guy; it is a business/career…. Not just a cause. The media business has become the most lucrative thing on earth almost.
-Brett Cooper- fast growth and reaches a targeted audience

-Steven stands to gain from airing everything out publicly…. Domain made before his call with Jeremy.
-Recording a call with prescripted prompts.
-He may dogmatically believe everything he says; he kind’ve seems like a person who can become irrationally persuaded very quick.
-This whole thing could have been pursued from a [business venture] perspective. Instead of the half employee, but take the risk with us term sheet- -Steven saying he could bring in the masses on day one.
-you make money when we make money; you lose money when we lose money-
-Steven has been independent; working for himself for too long to want to be dictated a weekly schedule; but at the same time…. If you’re guaranteeing a salary; there has to be compromise….
-Altogether this has brought a lot of attention to conservative media…. Mostly not for the good. But I’d be most interested to see which platform this has been positive for and which platform this has been negative for.

#louderwithcrowder #benshapiro #dailywire #mattwalsh

Welcome to my channel; where I try to take a deeper look than just the surface level at all things money, media, and political power... Many things I say may seem controversial but we need to have an open mind to try to get to the root of issues. We've been lied to many times; especially in recent history, truth no longer is common. So we do our best here to establish what is right and true.
Feel free to comment your opinions as they are all welcome. All videos are my own opinion and you have to do your own research to come to a definitive conclusion.

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