10 Top Interesting DOG FACTS You Didn't Know

2 years ago

10 Top Interesting DOG FACTS You Didn't Know
1. Dogs can actually see colors.
2. Dogs are descended from an ancient wolf species that is now extinct.
3. Dogs prefer to pee according to the earth's magnetic field.
4. Each dog's nose print is unique, just like human fingerprints. Every dog has its own nose print!
5. Dogs have three eyelids!
6. Dogs can dream! Marvelous!
7. Some dogs sleep curled up to keep warm and protect their vital organs while they sleep.
8. Bloodhounds can follow tracks that are over 300 hours old!
9. Dogs sweat through their noses.
10. Dogs can smell your feelings. That is why dogs in an anxious moment are close to their owner and support him.
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