Serino by Darmin De'flern a Blues/Rock song with Bob Dylan influences.

1 year ago

Lyrics, Written, Produced and Performed by
Darmin De'flern
Videos by Various artists from
Video edited, titles and subtitles by Darmin De'flern

This started as a test for how my new guitar would play and record. The guitar is an Ibanez RGT1220PB. While I like my Ltd Viper its a little limited in tone. I wanted something that would be able to produce lots of tones for recording purposes. The Ibanez seemed perfect as it has special setup that allows the humbuckers to be split in various ways allowing for a total of 10 different tones.

The song was initially called AC/DC as a working name as I wanted to try an AC/DC homage track. However once again the song took me in a very different direction. I think the tones I was getting from the guitar (clean) were reminiscent of Americana type of tune. Together with that drum track I created for the guitar to sit over I was inspired when adlibbing the vocal tone to base it to a similar sound to Bob Dylans Subterranean homesick blues one of my favorite tracks out there.

I think I was also partly inspired by Kenny Ostrow, a singer songwriter who is a very bluesy folk artist. His slice of life songs are fantastic and amusing. And I really enjoy the way that he approaches the acoustic guitar. This is why I have left some thanks to him in the credits. I want to thank him here to, thank you Kenny :D.

The other vocal melody lines are close to a brit poppy vibe and seemed to work as a fusion of styles. The theme sound of the guitars the vocal deliveries leant itself to Americana lyrics which I wrote.

Serino is a word I made up while adlibbing. When I did a google search i found that it was Italian word so I thought it would make a great name for the protagonists girl friends name. The meaning of the name influenced some of the lyrics to.

I used my Ibanez RGT1020PB guitar with this one and my Sennheiser Mic for the vocals. Everything else from the AKAI MPC live 2. I also used the MPC Live 2 to produce mix and master the track.

FInd me on twitter, gettr, facebook and rumble.

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