Who's Planning?

2 years ago

Only capitalism leads to success. Anything claiming something else is just a lie. Everything needs propaganda except capitalism, capitalism delivers the goods, literally. Under capitalism, an entrepreneur can’t produce goods or services that people don’t want without suffering severe losses or bankruptcy. Under capitalism, the individual plans. Under statism, a few plan for the many. It’s not plan or no plan. It’s: who’s doing the planning.

The consumer’s wants are satisfied under capitalism. The demand of the consumers directs market activity. Entrepreneurs attempt to meet demands with the greatest returns. High profits signal that is where demand is the highest. Profits are a good thing. That just means demands of the consumers are being satisfied. High profits will signal to other entrepreneurs to enter that market. The spin doctors refer to those as “unconscionable” profits, but that is a great thing. These profits will fall as others enter the market.

Read More: https://mrdevinney.com/whos-planning/

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