AntiTrumper RINOs - The Laundry - 51st Governor Zelensky

2 years ago

The #RINO's like #McConnell & #Graham & #McCarthy & #Romney PAID millions 2 defeat #AmericaFirst #UltraMAGA #Patriot #Candidate's because THEY ARE #NeverTrumper's who are #Suckups 2 #CCP #NWO #GlobalistCabalists who care NOTHING 4 regular #AmericanCitizens .. they're ALL part of this #CBDC #USDR #SCS Cashless Society who're #Laundering (#STEALING) our wealth via #Ukraine & #CHYNA & #Iran etc ... 👇🏻 😡


Conspiracy - right? Say NO.


Study of Globalization



Ukraine Bombs Poland & DOD & CIA Leaked #FakeNews

YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP .. these #Lunatic's are trying 2 drag the #USA & the rest of the world into #ThermoNuclearWar with #Russia who are now aligning with #Iran, #CHYNA & #NorthKorea while depleting our ability 2 even defend ourselves claiming we have 2 defend the installed #Nazi #Regime in #UKRAINE .. this is complete insanity!


👀🔥 @MTG: “The question is… is Ukraine now the 51st state of the United States of America? And what position does Zelensky have in our government? This is outrageous and the American people deserve answers.”

#Ukraine | #Zelensky | #BubbleCovfefe | #Covfefe | #HR2884 |


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