The Wacky World Of Peafowl eBook on Peacocks for your

12 years ago

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book Is written by the nation's two foremost authorities on peafowl, Dennis M. Fett and Debra Joan Buck and founders of the Peacock Information Center, They have over 32 years of experience of raising peafowl.

Volume 1 will guide the reader with very important information on: housing, food, selecting peafowl stock, the mating of the peafowl, the laying of the egg, hatching of the eggs, how to make a candler, proper way to candle an egg, how to make an inexpensive brooding box, sounds peafowl make, feather production, peacocks territory and fighting, peafowl diseases and treatment, how to fix crooked toes, pet peafowl, the goose that loved peafowl, hatching parakeet eggs along with peahen eggs, how to catch peafowl, color types, genetics, and many personal humorous stories.

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book has award winning professional peafowl photographs, depicted with 96 beautiful and stunning photographs making the book well worth the price for just the photographs.

Volume II provides information not found in The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1, The e-Book. Volume 2, The e-Book also refers to Volume 1 several times. Volume 2 contains the following: the most extensive medication chapter ever published on treatments & medications for peafowl, the history of the Cameo/Silver Dun color mutation, new mutations, wandering peafowl all over the USA, how to care for your peafowl while you're on vacation, peafowl at retirement homes, visitors on your farm, blind peafowl, how to care for your peafowl in winter's 25 below zero, incubators, leg bands, food for peachicks, sexing peachicks, Cameo/Silver Dun changing colors, peafowl as pets, peafowl for profit, peacock feathers for weddings, wild peafowl living in Harlem, New York, peacock song, and many personal stories about the authors and their life with peafowl.

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 2, The e-Book has award winning professional peafowl photographs, depicted with 156 beautiful and stunning photographs making the book well worth the price for just the photographs.

The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 2, The e-Book is written in a "folksie" down to earth language that allows 10 year olds to expert breeders understand the ins and outs of peafowl husbandry.

Although Volume 2 is a stand alone book, it is highly recomended that the reader purchases both volumes of The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The e-Book. For more information contact

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