LED Lights for Peacocks, Peacock Minute, peafowl.com

6 years ago

On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells all about how he was one of the first to use LED lighting in the peacocks pens. Some studies say that having on lights (we use LED’s) in your pens for 14 hours a day can increase egg production in any kind of poultry. LED lighting does not take as much electricity and causes very little heat. It should be noted that LEDs are not a good source of heat to keep your baby peachicks warm while they grow to adulthood. We use regular incandescent lightbulbs to keep peachicks warm as they grow.

Some resources on increase egg production in peacocks/poultry to study on your own: http://animalsciencey.ucdavis.edu/avian/pfs14.htm https://www.ledsmagazine.com/articles/print/volume-11/issue-5/features/agriculture/properties-of-led-light-can-boost-poultry-production-and-profits.html http://www.thepoultrysite.com/articles/859/lighting-programs-for-backyard-egg-production/
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E-mail Mr. Peacock or Mrs Peacock at dennisfett@yahoo.com for more information or to give show ideas and do not forget to check out his web site at http://www.peafowl.com

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