Kissinger Explains the Dynamics of Russia/China/Ukraine, the Belt Road and the Future of Ukraine

1 year ago

Kissinger Explains the Dynamics of Russia/China/Ukraine, the Belt Road and the Future of Ukraine
Henry Kissinger: ‘We are now living in a totally new era’ | FT
1,436,109 views May 11, 2022 #WarinUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin
@OratorBlog 1-20-2023
OK. Listening to Henry Kissinger may be as boring as Hell, but to understand what is REALLY GOING ON, you must listen to the true Power Players on the Grand Chessboard of the New World Order Geo-Politics.
For those who are aware that the entire Cold War was a False, it will be easier to read between the lines of the False Narrative and understand the bigger implications.
The Lesson for the West following the end of the Ukraine War that Kissinger speaks of is, the West will no longer Dominate the World, but be demoted to Regional Powers within the United Nations Agenda 2030 Multi-Polar World.
After all, the Bolshevik Revolution was a Creation of the British Crown, Rothschild, Rockefeller and the Khazarian New York Jews.
The very same Cabal Created Israel. They also Created the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.
And you cannot forget that they established China as a World Supper Power as well.
So, yes. There are Always Power Struggles. But who do you think is Really Calling the Shots?
If you say: The Phoenician Khazarian Black Nobility Royal Bloodlines, Congratulations. You have been paying attention.
The FT's US national editor, Edward Luce, talks to former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, about Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the spectre of nuclear war. Read more at #HenryKissinger #Russia #Ukraine #China #internationalpolitics #politics #US #geopolitics #diplomacy #war #WarinUkraine #VladimirPutin #nuclearwar #invasion

Mirrored from: Financial Times

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